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Sunday Worship Sunday School and Holy Communion

   April 21 (Fourth Sunday of Easter, Good Shepherd Sunday) Text: 1 John 3:16-24 Themes: God’s love, our love for each other Sermon Title: “True Romance” Opening Hymn: 328 “All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name” verses 1-4 Sermon Hymn: 385 “What Wondrous Love Is This” Communion Hymns: 210 “At the Lamb’s High Feast We […]

Shrimp Dinner Set Up

Tables will be stocked, all food areas staged, etc.  Please come and join in the fun of the final organization for this event on Sunday.  The more volunteers, the faster we can be done!!  Thank you in advance!

Sunday Worship Sunday School

April 28 (Fifth Sunday of Easter) Text: 1 John 4:1-11 Themes: False prophets, truth Sermon Title: “Tell the Truth” Opening Hymn: 649 “I Want to Walk as Child of the Light” Sermon Hymn: 231 “O Word of God Incarnate” Closing Hymn: “Sweet Hour of Prayer” (Insert)

Vacation Bible School Meeting

Summer is on its way and so is the planning for  our Vacation Bible School!  If you think you would be interested in helping out plan and be a part of  this event tentatively set for July 31, August 1st and 2nd please attend this informal meeting.      

Sunday Worship Sunday School and Holy Communion

Text: 1 John 5:1-8 Themes: The family of God, testimony Sermon Title: “Family Affair” Opening Hymn: 245 “All People that on Earth Do Dwell” Sermon Hymn: 369 “The Church’s One Foundation” Communion Hymns: 649 “I Want to Walk as Child of the Light”   389 “Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus”   Closing Hymn: 699 […]

Sunday Worship Sunday School

May 12 (Seventh Sunday of Easter, Mother’s Day) Text: 1 John 5: 9-15 Themes: Faith, prayer Sermon Title: “With God as My Witness” Opening Hymn: 533 “Now Thank We All Our God” Sermon Hymn: “Are You Washed in the Blood?” (insert) Closing Hymn: 649 “I Want to Walk as Child of the Light”

Pot Luck and Game Night!

Bring your favorite potluck dish, cards or game and enjoy a relaxing evening with your Church Family!