March 17 (Fifth Sunday in Lent) Text: Mark 10:35-45 Themes: Serving others, suffering Sermon Title: “Serving or Being Served?” Opening Hymn: 242 “Let the Whole Creation Cry” Sermon Hymn: 423 “Lord, Whose Love in Humble Service” sung to #424 Communion Hymns: 95 “Glory Be to Jesus” 99 “O Lord, throughout These Forty Days” Closing Hymn: […]
Text: Mark 15:1-47 Themes: The Crucifixion, sacrifice, death Sermon Title: “Parades and Funerals” Opening Hymn: 108 “All Glory, Laud, and Honor” Sermon Hymn: 117 “O Sacred Head, Now Wounded” Closing Hymn: 92 “Were You There?”
March 31 (Easter) Text: Mark 16:1-8 Themes: Resurrection, eternal life, joy Sermon Title: “When Empty Means Full” Opening Hymn: 151: “Jesus Christ Is Risen Today” Sermon Hymn: 487 “Let Us Ever Walk with Jesus” Closing Hymn: 352 “I Know that My Redeemer Lives!”