Calendar of Events
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Sunday Worship Sunday School and Holy Communion
Sunday Worship Sunday School and Holy Communion
March 17 (Fifth Sunday in Lent) Text: Mark 10:35-45 Themes: Serving others, suffering Sermon Title: “Serving or Being Served?” Opening Hymn: 242 “Let the Whole Creation Cry” Sermon Hymn: 423 “Lord, Whose Love in Humble Service” sung to #424 Communion Hymns: 95 “Glory Be to Jesus” 99 “O Lord, throughout These Forty Days” Closing Hymn: […]
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Palm Sunday Worship
Palm Sunday Worship
Text: Mark 15:1-47 Themes: The Crucifixion, sacrifice, death Sermon Title: “Parades and Funerals” Opening Hymn: 108 “All Glory, Laud, and Honor” Sermon Hymn: 117 “O Sacred Head, Now Wounded” Closing Hymn: 92 “Were You There?”
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Easter Sunday Worship with Holy Communion and Potluck Breakfast Celebration immediately following the Service.
Easter Sunday Worship with Holy Communion and Potluck Breakfast Celebration immediately following the Service.
March 31 (Easter) Text: Mark 16:1-8 Themes: Resurrection, eternal life, joy Sermon Title: “When Empty Means Full” Opening Hymn: 151: “Jesus Christ Is Risen Today” Sermon Hymn: 487 “Let Us Ever Walk with Jesus” Closing Hymn: 352 “I Know that My Redeemer Lives!”