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Bible Study Abraham and Sarah

Abraham and Sarah were living breathing people just like we are today.  However life was much different for them, or was it? Pastor Mike is hosting this series entitled,  “Genesis: […]

Sunday Worship Sunday School and Holy Communion

February 23rd 7th Sunday after Epiphany First Lesson: Genesis 45:3-15 Psalm 103:1-13 Second Lesson: 1 Corinthians 15:21-26, 30-42 Gospel: Luke 6:27-38 Sermon Title: “Your Credit Rating”

Men’s Bible Breakfast

  All men are welcome to join this Bible Study Breakfast in our fellowship hall where Pastor Mike is leading the group in the study of Samson's life.  Plenty of […]

Bible Study Abraham and Sarah

Abraham and Sarah were living breathing people just like we are today.  However life was much different for them, or was it? Pastor Mike is hosting this series entitled,  “Genesis: […]

Sunday Worship Sunday School

First Lesson: Deuteronomy 34:1-12 Psalm 99 Second Lesson: Hebrews 3:1-6 Gospel: Luke 9:28-36 Sermon Title: “A Prophet’s Eulogy”